
The What The Fuck Was Supposed To Be Happening

hey, I'm pro global warming. we were put on this planet for a reason.
to make sure movies like this never is brought to life.
and if mr shaymaheylaman keeps up his who-can-do-the-shittiest-most-pretentious-movie-race, I'll continue setting old refrigerators (sans fuckin energy star) and baby birds on fire.
'til were all gone.
seriously, I would like my 91 minutes of life back. thank you. with a cherry on the top.
had I known what I know now, I would've watched that lame movie on tv instead. that movie starring some skeleton and that hideous overbite-girl. "wimbledon" was it's name. but we probably could have called it "apocalypse now", compared to what atrocities I was put through instead.
if you want to know what happens in the movie, click the picture above and stare on it for 15 minutes. now this is no lie; marky-mark looks exactly like that throughout the entire film! frowning, looking like his nostrils are about to take over the rest of his face. for 91 minutes!
to be fair, his nostrils do probably stand the best chance of getting a best acting award in this movie.
just to make sure you don't watch this abomination, I'll spoil it:
it is the nature doing it! no....wait....they tell you that multiple times in the film...
guess it wasn't a spoiler.
"but....what's the purpose of the movie?" you ask yourself?
well, there seems to be none. except maybe for the inventive fella killing himself with the big lawn mower.
or the crazy lady in the end. no. my bad. because there was no need whatsoever to have that crazy lady in the movie! shalayalashakakhan tryin' to score some cheap horror shots.
oh, the fat kids being shot (for no really apparent reason) was ok.
other than that, I'm highly disappointed.

sorry shamalamadingdong. for making this garbage, you are hereby forced to wear the poohat.
'cause that was how dirty and stupid I felt after watching your movie.

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