
"Robotron" - Signal

unenlightened you: amplifier must be broken. only static humming and noice.
god of thunder and all things good and ultimate: no, this is supergroup Signals latest piece of art!
unenlightened you: but how could my ass-for-brain not notice this!
god of thunder and all things good and ultimate: you played it too soft. crank dat shit up in this mother!
unenlightened you: yes. this is it.
god of blablabla...: don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
enlightened you: shame I couldn't buy this record at a reasonable price at a store near me. but if I could, where would all the erik "snyggve" segerstedt does d'artagnan records go? (they probably wouldn't go to heaven where the angels fly, more likely to a lake of fire and fry...)
snyggve: fack jo I won the idol almostely and I loves them bryan adams and sting! and I'm snygg!
enlightened you: oi! foo aof ue braaaek! 

(actual cover doesn't include childmolester and lame robot. though the album do sound like an awesome robot gunned down by lasers.)

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